January 11, 2024 Green Turtle Cay
After two days at anchor waiting for the wind to calm a bit, we were able to go ashore to check out more of Green Turtle Cay. The town, New Plymouth, was settled by British loyalists in 1783. Little did we know that it was a Bahamian holiday - Majority Rule Day - and most places were closed as they had been on Sunday. We were able to get a Jamican Beef Patty (delicious) and a few groceries, and started to walk the 3 miles to the Green Turtle Club Marina restaurant. The rain started (we expected a sunny afternoon!) and we were soon soaked to the skin. We kept walking, hoping for a nice meal once we got there. Finally a taxi stopped and drove us the final 3/4 mile (at an exorbitant price, but oh well). The restaurant was closed till dinner time, the bar wouldn't allow us to bring Caramel inside, and the patio wasn't an option in the rain. Cold and wet, we hung out in the marina's laundry room near the dryer vent to warm up, then started walking back to town. A kind soul in a golf cart offered us a ride back to our dinghy and we headed back to the boat to get dry and warm up. Wet clothes everywhere, and more downpours to follow. "It's an adventure!"
Majority Rule Day: The Bahamas gained majority rule for the first time on January 10, 1967, under Sir Lynden Pindling. It’s a celebration of equality and justice for all Bahamians that transcends class, race, and gender, giving voting power to the majority.
It's raining again today, so we may stay put for now and head to No Name Cay tomorrow where there is a coral reef park with the possibility of snorkeling...and a restaurant! First, Myles needs to go up the mast to retrieve a halyard that wasn't secured.